Use Metro Secure Storage Sydney to De-clutter & Keep Children Happy!

Metro Storage's Beginner's Guide to Moving with Children

3 min read

This post was prepared by Jessica who is the head of content at Hire a Mover.

Kids in Moving Boxes

Children tend not to welcome house moves with open arms. At such a young age, they have rarely learned to embrace change, and a move can bring up a lot of fears in them.

One of the best ways to reduce their anxiety of moving to a new place is to involve the children as much as possible in every step of the move.

1. Communicate Openly and Consistently

It’s a good idea to explain the implications of the move in advance, keeping a positive attitude. Let them know that they can talk to you about how they feel and ask questions at any time.

Paint a picture for them about what the new life will look like and be honest about possible challenges the family may face.

2. Allow Them to Have Some Input

Ask for the opinions of your children. Older children can give you some feedback about their preferences in the home they’ll be living in. When the time comes for packing, let them be involved. When they are involved in the process, they feel more in control.

3. Make Decluttering Fun

Although it may be necessary to de-clutter, there will be a few items that mean a lot to your children. Where possible, accommodate those wishes. It helps children to have familiar items around them in the new home so that they adjust more quickly to the new environment.

Make decluttering into a fun project by having the kids create inventories, and work with them to price things up for sale.

4. Quickly Establish a Routine

For children, a routine is everything. They need a sense of familiarity, so keep your routine as close to what they’re used to as possible. Although you may feel busy, even at times chaotic, try to keep meal times regular, and ensure they go to bed at the same time each night.

5. Set up a Room Design Project

Bringing your new home to life should be a fun project too. Your children will love the opportunity to choose a colour scheme for their room or some new furniture.

Involve them in your plans for other rooms in the house. Get them to help you select new crockery and furnishings. It’s all about making them feel part of the process.

6. Integrate with the Local Community

Once the main tasks are done, it’s a good time to immerse your family in the local community. Encourage your children to make friends, and take them to events where they’ll mix with local people.

Children Playing Games

On the whole, most children adapt much more quickly than they imagine they will. They are great at living in the moment. As long as you involve them, keep things engaging and communicate consistently, the process shouldn’t be too challenging.

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